Today is nail day for me and yes, sometimes I'm OCD like that! The first entry was about my latest nail polish color called "Black Rose" and if you haven't read it yet, please click here :) Although I'm not a nail fanatic, I do have enough colors to throw around the room and of course, I hate to find the color that I need when I need it. This nail polish storage solution was an accident and it was my momma who discovered it. So yay for mom and the credit goes to her for "the discovery of a simplie storage solution for nail polish bottles"(that's how the Nobel Prize website describes you if you happen to be a Nobel Prize winner, I'm just copying the style!)

Around my junior year in college, I started to paint my toe nails with 2 colors laying on top of each other: a dark brownish plum and a red nail polish to create that vampy dark red look. So in the beginning, it started with two. Then quickly it spiralled to about 5-6 nail polish bottles that scattered all over my room. When I moved to another place nearer to campus during my senior year, my mom helped me pack up my stuff and she put all of the nail polish bottles that I had in an idex card box like this one:

It's an index card box for your 4x6 cards that's around 1 dollar

You see, I bought one of these to store my flash cards I made for Anatomy class but I barely used it. Instead, I put some recipes in there and mom saw an empty container so she just put all the nail polishes there without telling me. After she left, it took a while for me where my nail polishes were and since then, they are housed in this box.

Except for Black Rose which is oversize, all my nail polishes are contained in this box

The box can store up to 12 regular-sized nail polish bottles or 15-18 mini bottles. For the minis, I can even stack them up and store a lot more of them that way. This index card box can be found everywhere for approximately 1 dollar and besides storing your favorite recipes or flash cards, you can use it to store your nail polish as well.

That's all for today y'all! I hope you enjoy my nail polish storage solution. This post is T-1 as the next one will be the big 1-0-0! So if you haven't entered the giveaway yet, you have some couple of hours to do so. I will announce the winner on post 101 so stay tuned!

Take care and have fun!
Your Makeup Blogger

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