How was your weekend? Mine was very peaceful and quiet. We even got some free knives and Sunday newspaper yesterday just by being good :)
Did you join the Skin MD Natural giveaway? It actually ended yesterday at 5pm on my turf (Eastern standard time or GMT +5) and immediately after that, I had to close the book and choose a winner. 18 of y'all joined the contest, which was quite alright for a weekend giveaway.
As usual, I relied on to pick a winner for me. Google Docs provided me an Excel spread sheet with time stamp included, which made my life a whole lot easier. I got this idea from Stephanie since she used it for her giveaway as well.
You can see where you are in here
I have to black out some sensitive details such as your email address and last name so you don't get spammed!
And the winner, chosen by, is...
*drum roll*
Congratulations! I will send you an email shortly and hope you will enjoy this lotion as well.
For those who did not win, please don't worry. Another giveaway will come up pretty soon.
Sara from The Makeup Snob recently blogged about a fake MAC Cosmetics party. It's like a Tupperware party but instead of selling Tupperware, people sells fake MAC makeup! I've seen fake MAC on eBay and the thought of doing so already disgusted me. Now, people even take a step further and do it in broad daylight.
In her forum, she wrote of what she saw at that party:
heres a bit of what was there
-mac shadow in top knot (BBR), black tied bitter and others.
-pigments in humid? hahaha
-Fafi palettes. look just like the sleek palettes
-Hello kitty palettes. There are 6 different one. 4 with clear covers and 2 black covers. They were long like the real ones, but they had 5 shadows in each
-hello kitty mascara
-hello kitty blushes- This packaging looked really good. slick black with the pink splashes.. But it opened and there was a brush inside.
-A ton of blushes. They were all dome shaped like the mineral blushes. they opened with a brush inside.
-Temping Quad from Cult of Cherry. Colors were right now. palette looked good label the font was off.
- a whole bunch of lipgelees. I dont buy these so I cant really say what was off about them.
-Monogram compacts- Black packaging with the mongram logo as well as the logo on the powder. The box was blackish brown.
-Monogram lipglass. Lid was gold container was plastic not glass.
-a brush set. Gotta admit these brushes looked really good.
-barbie shadows. The shadow opened with a brush inside.
-mac zoomlash.
-hello kitty shadow duo. was square and looked like how nyc shadows are.
-Studio Fix Foundation. This looked perfect! But no way this could be real in the middle of everything else.
Girls there was more too, this is all I can think of. It made me really sad to see all those people there. I told the girl I knew and explained to her why and showed her the differences and stuff. I really just didnt feel comfortable leaving there and ened up leaving before the presentation started. So I am not even sure how much the stuff was being sold for.
Let me tell you this. The pigmentation on everything was fabulous. The colors were spot on. All products were labeled and in boxes. Pigments had paper inserts, etc. I trully sit here in shock of it all!I feel sorry for the group that were there and the groups that are yet to be fooled.
I feel the same way, too. Although I understand the bargaining mentality, this is not a right thing to involve yourself into. If you don't have money to buy MAC, there are plenty of other companies that make fabulous products as well. I rely on NYX and L'Oreal HiP for pigmented eye shadows as well as other mineral companies out there for pigments. Seriously, you should watch out for this type of party as it may soon become a trend.
That's all for now. Congratulations, LeeAnn! Also, I would like to thank everybody who participated and promoted this giveaway. Please stay tuned as more opportunities to win free stuff are coming up really soon.
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