Have you ever wished you could get an extra 1/2 hour of shut eye everyday? I know, me too! For those who are in school, you've probably used to the all-night cramming sessions before exams, right? I remember those days like they were yesterday. After weeks like that, my complexion as well as the dark circles under my eyes really took a good beating. Those days were my pre-makeup addict days, y'all. Now the situation is better, I get a bit more sleep but once in a while I still use this special tip to make me look a bit more refreshed. Ladies and gents, I'm introducing you the Fresh FOTD!

Fresh FOTD: as fresh as a flower!
Especially for the sleep-deprived folks :)

This look is actually really simple and you can pull it off in about 5 minutes so you can head out of the door to take that exam or do this presentation, or to submit your assignment on time...you get the idea. Here's how to do it:

1. After you smoothen up your complexion with tinted moisturizer, feel free to conceal the bags underneath your eyes with your favorite concealer. This is a very important step, please don't skip it. Tinted moisturizer saves you tons of time in blending. If you want to know how to make a tinted moisturizer from your mineral makeup, click here.

2. Using a chubby white eyeliner, trace a line the way you line your eyes. Then use a black liquid eyeliner and draw a crisp line as pictured below:

The simple 2-step schematic: apply white eyeliner then black liquid eyeliner.

NYX has a product called Jumbo Eyeshadow pencil that you can use. If you don't want it to be too obvious, replace the white eyeshadow/liner with a gold one. No other eye shadows necessary because this is a very quick look.

3. Curl your eyelashes and apply 2 coats of your favorite mascara.

4. Apply blush to your cheeks to perk up your complexion. I find pink blushes to be cheerful and perky but you can also use a peach blush.

5. Slick on a bright colored lipstick and off you go. As we really cut down the time on the eye makeup, this look takes you 5 minutes. Now go ahead and ace that test while looking fresh and alert. Who knows you just pulled an all-nighter the night before.

As usual, some cheesy shots:
That's all, folks. Please register for the givaway if you haven't already done so. I wish you a good day and as usual, stay gorgeous!

Take care,
Your Makeup Blogger

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