Hi everyone,

I started P90X last month, wrote about it here and there and then went completely quiet about it. And you thought I quit, didn't you? Well, for once I didn't, although there were some moments that came very close. But then, I snapped out of it and told myself, "Dao, you're going this far, why do you want to stop now?"

The truth is, I'm on week 8 of P90X, which means there are only 5 weeks left after this and I'm done with this round. While phase 1 (aka the first 4 weeks) was a delight, phase 2 has been a drag. Out of 6 workouts a week, only 1 is new. The other 5 I remember like they are the back of my hand now. On top of that, I find Cardio-X to be easy now. I can do it for the whole time and feel underwhelm. I can't believe I just said it. A P90X workout is not enough for me. On top of that, Yoga-X is just waaaay too long. And the weather has been hot and Aunt Flo was bothering me. Since I had a whole list of complaints, I skipped a few workouts here and there.

This makes me realize why I did not stick to other workout schedules before: the monotony kills me. I guess I am one of those who needs to have a new workout routine every month. Since I consider doing another round of P90X after this, I am going to do a different module instead of Lean. I need the switch-up ;)

Weight-wise, I did lose about 2lbs. Not a lot for 3 weeks but I take it. Surprisingly, during the whole time, I was bloating. The bloat was terrible and I had a hard time contracting my stomach. Then, my period arrived and brought me some relief. Immediately after Aunt Flo left, I weighed myself and I was delighted to find myself 2lbs lighter! Therefore, weighing myself everyday or even every week is not an option anymore since I know how much I can bloat. There was a 5lb difference before and after those days. From now on, I am going to weigh myself right after it stops and then compare it to the next event.

From the beginning of P90X until now, I think I lost about 6 lbs. It's not a huge number but I do gain quite a bit of muscles. Therefore, the fat loss may be even higher (probably 10 lbs.) A shirt that I wasn't able to button in is now loose and right now, the only pair of jeans that I can wear properly is my dark wash skinny jeans. By the end of this round, I aim for a 10lb net loss and that is going to make my day.

That's all for now, folks! Thanks for reading my ramblings.

Dao xoxo

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